Anxiety Is Real, but Temporary

While watching Inside Out 2, wearing a shirt with the Anxiety character, I can’t help but think of how we wear Anxiety everywhere we go. Sometimes, it is the driving factor to doing what we do and the emotion that pushes us to go beyond who we are today. But like anything in life, anything in excess can evolve into something harmful. That is why I chose to wear Anxiety to my kid’s birthday screening of Inside Out 2. I’m aware of my anxiety and actively working to live with it.

I spent most of my childhood trying to be perfect - competition is a bitch. But it was not until my late 40s that I started to see the bad habits this need for perfection has formed in me.

We don’t control life; things happen as they happen. But we can control how we respond to life as it comes every moment. To do that, we must remain present and open to letting ourselves feel our feelings. Being present gives us the gift of feeling and living every moment as it is. There is no need to project about the future. The future is unknown and not guaranteed to go how you envision it.

After watching Inside Out 2, if you find that you resonate with the storyline or feel anxious about your anxiety taking control of you, it’s okay. Everyone experiences this feeling at some point in their life - anxiety is a common emotion. It’s not a bad thing or anything to feel ashamed of. In fact, it is as important as any other emotion we experience. Acknowledging “why we feel what we feel” makes us stronger and more resilient for the future.

Stay present, find something that makes you smile, remind yourself that it’s okay to feel, and when you feel anxious breathe. Every breath is a reminder to your body that you Got This.